Gluon Command Line Interface

Gluon can be used via its dedicated command line interface.

Launcher scripts are in the folder gluon-cli/target/bin


On sh shells:

./gluon-cli/target/bin/ create <options>

On Windows:

.\gluon-cli\target\bin\gluon.bat create <parameters>

In this document, gluon alias will be used to identify desired launcher script.


Get help with:

gluon --help

Help about create command:

gluon help create

Log level

gluon --log-level <trace|debug|info|warn|error> create <options>

If --log-level (short version: -L) option is not specified, it defaults to info.


Option Description Domain Default
-p, --projectArtifactId Name (artifact id) of the project Artifact id gluon-example
-g, --projectGroupId Group id of the project, like in Maven Group id org.acme
-v, --projectVersion Version of the project Version 0.1.0
-P, --projectDirectory Directory of the project Filesystem path ArtifactId as relative path
-n, --projectFriendlyName Friendly, descriptive name of the project String Based on artifactId
-D, --projectDescription Project description String  
-b, --basePackage Base package, useful probably only in JVM based projects Java package Based on groupId and artifactId
-t, --customTemplates Path of directory containing custom templates. Cannot use with archetype Filesystem path  
-d, --databaseVendor Database vendor used in the project postgresql, db2, derby, h2, mariadb, sqlserver, mysql, oracle postgresql
-x, --templateExtension Extension of template files File extension .gluon
-e, --entities Path of directory containing entity specifications Filesystem path  
-f, --entityFormat Format of entity specifications json, yaml, toml, xml json
-a, --archetype Name of the archetype to use. Cannot use with customTemplates quarkus, flask quarkus
-T, --projectType Type of project. Cannot use with archetype maven, python maven